What You Need to Know about Our Relationship Counselling in Redlands and Capalaba
Many people believe that couples therapy or relationship counselling is only for relationships that are in dire trouble. However, at Redlands Counselling Service, we have found that our Redlands relationship counselling services have been beneficial for couples in many stages or states of their relationships. In fact, what we always advise couples is not to wait until their relationship is in trouble to come see us. Couples therapy is often most beneficial for couples who are going through rough patches or ruts, but that have not yet devolved into the conflict or resentment that typically leads to separation or divorce.
The Goal of Our Relationship Counselling in Capalaba and Redlands
There could be any number of reasons why couples put off going to couples therapy. One is embarrassment: there is, unfortunately, a bit of a stigma when it comes to relationship counselling. Many couples feel that seeking counselling is accepting that they have failed to keep their relationship together. Most people don’t want to admit such a thing to themselves, let alone to friends or family members. Thus, relationship counselling often gets put on the backburner or pushed further and further into the future.
The ‘embarrassment’ that comes from seeking relationship counselling is often connected to the misconception that couples therapy is only about fixing ‘broken’ relationships. In actuality, our goal at Redlands Counselling Service is to help couples identify and address the things that don’t work in their relationships. Acknowledging the things that don’t work in a relationship does not mean you forget about all the things that do work. On the contrary, many of the couples that come to us for relationship counselling in Capalaba or Redlands have relationships that are still full of love, laughter, kindness and deep connection. Those couples might just need help to communicate with each other more or recapture intimacy that they’ve lost over time.
Simply put, sometimes the problems or stressors in a relationship go unspoken. One person might feel concern about the relationship but not want to voice it for fear of starting an argument or hurting the other person. As a result, these issues get buried deep down, where they ultimately fester and lead to bigger problems in the future. When you seek relationship counselling at Redlands Counselling Service, you can expect an unbiased and nonconfrontational place to air concerns, explore them with your partner and navigate towards a healthy and satisfactory solution. Our goal is to foster deeper, healthier communication with couples and work with them to find their way back to a relationship grounded in understanding, shared values and, ultimately, happiness.
Schedule Your First Session with Us Today
Are you interested in working with Redlands Counselling Service and trying out our Redlands/Capalaba relationship counselling? If so, bring it up with your partner and then get in touch with us. There is a good chance that, if you are having concerns about your relationship, the other person is too. A counselling session is a perfect opportunity to get those issues out in the open and establish a strategy to address them. Contact us today to learn more.